Food Bank
A dedicated team of volunteers gathers, stores and distributes food to community members on a weekly basis, under the guidance of our Food Security Lead.
In 2023, the Sunshine Coast Food Bank served 1,135 people in our community, with and under-18s making up 20% of those served. The number of people seeking support has increased by 34% compared to previous years.
The Food Bank operates every Wednesday, providing essential food assistance to those in need. Our work is made possible through the generous financial and food donations from the community, the dedication of supporters who organize food drives, and various fundraising events.
Together, we continue to make a difference in the lives of our neighbours.
How you can take part
Starting June 22nd, 2022, the Food Bank will switch to an extended all-day service from 10:00 am – 5:30 pm, ceasing service on Thursdays from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm. The new all-day service offers an opportunity to access the Food Bank without the pressures of a tight timeframe, the worry of long line ups, helping staff and volunteers be more efficient and effective in operations.
Opening hours
Wednesdays 10:00 am – 5:30 pm
To access Food Bank services you will need:
- Identification for each person in the household, Personal Health Care Cards are acceptable.
- Proof of residency on the Sunshine Coast, driver’s license, hydro bill etc. (we do make allowances for the homeless)
- If a member of the household is over 19 years of age, we request they come to the Food Bank with the client and inform us that they share the house and would like to access the Food Bank. If they are not able to do this, they are requested to call us to confirm and write a brief note.
Donate money
Currently, the best way to support the Food Bank is by donating online here, or by mailing a cheque to SCCSS, PO Box 1069, Sechelt V0N 3A0. Monetary donations to the Food Bank can be dropped off at SCCSS at 5638 Inlet Avenue during business hours, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Donate food
The Food Bank is open to accepting non-perishable food donations. Unopened food products must not have passed their best before date. The following items are always welcomed:
- peanut butter
- spaghetti sauce
- canned fish and meats
- tetra-boxed juices
- cereal
- pasta
- canned fruit and vegetables
- canned legumes and beans
- macaroni and cheese
- rice
- personal care products: soap, shampoo, toothpaste, feminine hygiene products.
Staff can receive food donations at 5657 Lamprey Lane during the following times:
Tuesdays 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thursdays 9:00 pm - 4:00 pm
We encourage phoning 604-885-5881 ext.240 to arrange delivery to ensure a staff member is there to accept your donation. Anyone wishing to donate perishable items (such as produce) must make arrangements with Food Bank staff, as drop-off is by pre-arrangement only.
Another option if you wish to donate food (not money) to the Food Bank, is to visit your local grocery store, purchase food and leave it in the bins provided at each location.
Fundraise for the Food Bank
If you or your group would like to get involved and organize a food drive or a fund-raising event to support the Food Bank, please call the Food Security Lead on 604-885-5881 ext. 240. We will offer assistance however we can.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. We could not do what we do without the many generous individuals who give us the gift of time every day in helping us meet the needs of people in our community. Some benefits of volunteering:
- Volunteering connects you to your community
- Volunteering is good for your mind and body
- Volunteering can advance your career
- Volunteering brings fun and fulfilment to your life
If you would like to join our Food Bank team as a volunteer please connect with our Volunteer Program staff. Call 604-885-5881 or click here to learn more.
You will get back more than you ever imagined!
Sunshine Coast Food Bank is a proud member of Good Food Organizations, Food Banks BC and Community Food Centres Canada.

A project of Community Food Centres Canada, the Good Food Organizations initiative supports food security organizations by increasing their capacity to offer healthy and dignified food programs in their communities.
Food Banks BC seeks to inspire, empower and support over 100 member food banks across the province to achieve hunger-free communities.
Program Contact Information
604-885-5881 ext. 240
Location & Hours
5657 Lamprey Lane, Sechelt. Get Directions
Mondays CLOSED.
Tuesdays Food Bank donations accepted 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Wednesdays ALL DAY SERVICE FOR FOOD BANK CUSTOMERS 10:00 am - 5:30 pm
Thursdays Food Bank donations accepted 9:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Fridays CLOSED. Contact the SCCSS Navigator at the Inlet office for emergency access.
Saturdays CLOSED.
Sundays CLOSED.